We continue our series of tutorials for installing VPN router with modified firmware. This relates to the installation of the VPN VpnTunnel.Se on a router with the Tomato firmware. Learn about VPNTunnel OpenVPN Tomato.
Installing VpnTunnel OpenVPN Tomato
Step 1. On your router address, go to VPN tunneling and then to Client.
Step 2. On Basic tab of Client1
• Start with WAN: Unchecked
• Interface Type: Tun
• Protocol: UDP
• Server Address / Port: You put the address of the vpntunnel.se : melissa.vpntunnel.se 1194
• Firewall: Automatic
• Authorization mode: TLS
• tls-auth: Disabled
• Create Nat on tunnel: Checked
Step 3. On Advanced tab:
• Redirect Internet Traffic: Checked
• Accept Configuration DNS: Disabled
• Encryption cipher BF-CBC
• Compression: Enabled
• TLS Renegotiation Time: -1
• Connection Retry: 30
• Custom Configuration:float
dev tap
proto udp
script-security 3
ns-cert-type server
cipher BF-CBC # Blowfish
auth-user-pass / tmp / openvpn-auth.conf
; VPN Server
remote melissa.vpntunnel.se 1194
; Loggingcomp-lzo
verb 1
Next, click Save to update the configuration.
Step 4. Download the ca.crt file that contains all the necessary configuration data.
Step 5. On Keys tab, copy the file content and paste it in the textbox
Click Save to update the configuration.
Step 6. Then you go in the Administration (right) and select Script. In the Init tab, you copy this file:
echo <<username
password >> > / tmp / openvpn-auth.conf
The Username is your username and password in your VPN password.
Click Save to update the configuration.
Step 7. In Administration->Firewall:
To create NAT rules to open ports on your router copy this:
iptables-I FORWARD-i br0-o tap0-j ACCEPT
iptables-I FORWARD-i tap0-o br0-j ACCEPT
iptables-I INPUT-i tap0-j REJECT
iptables-t nat-A POSTROUTING-o tap0-j MASQUERADE
Click Save to update the configuration and click reboot the router to reconfigure.
Step 8. In order to start the VPN, click Start Now. You are done with VpnTunnel OpenVPN Tomato.